
SINCE 2022

Ukraine is Europe’s second-largest country, and the first entirely European, with over 44 million inhabitants, and a high HDI of 0.773 in 2021. The country borders the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south, Russia to the northeast and east, Belarus to the north, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, and Romania and Moldova to the southwest. Ukraine became an independent state after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, despite poorly demarcated borders subject to various claims.

Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, MAP has funded 4 humanitarian convoys of essential foodstuffs, warm clothing and equipment. As part of the reception of Ukrainian refugee children in Italy, MAP has supported a project for the integration and psychological follow-up of children in Padua, in collaboration with the Mission Bambini Foundation. A field visit took place in February 2023.


Mrs. Emanuela Bartoli and Mr. Nicolas Ryter visited Padua in February 2023 to monitor the integration and psychological care project for Ukrainian refugee children in Padua.

ongoing projects
Support for the integration of Ukrainian refugee children

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, more than 27,000 children have been welcomed in Italy. The project aims to facilitate the process of welcoming Ukrainian schoolchildren fleeing war, supporting them in the first phase of their integration into the school system, and at the same time preparing the educational community to welcome them in the best possible way. The first phase of the project, carried out by Mission Bambini in the cities of Milan and Padua in Italy, took place from April to June 2022, with 36 students in Padua in 7 different schools, 24 in Milan in 5 schools, and 250 teachers accompanied. Ukrainian students, their families and teaching teams were accompanied by Mission Bambini psychologists and interpreters in individual and group sessions. The second phase began in September 2022 with a focus on high school students aged 11 to 14, who have more difficulty integrating. A field visit is scheduled for February 16-18, 2023 with members of the Department of Psychology at the University of Padua.


Ensuring the integration and psychological follow-up of Ukrainian refugee children


Activities carried out

Recent funding

Rehabilitation of the Kiev sports complex

Due to the war in Ukraine, most of the country’s sports facilities have been destroyed or are unprotected. In order to maintain the young generation of sportsmen and women, the gymnastics federation wants to bring promising gymnasts to Kiev in a specially protected structure. Over a 16-week period, the project will involve repairing and insulating the roof, partially repairing the walls and ceiling, painting the walls, ceiling and floor, replacing the lighting and electricity, replacing the heating ventilation grilles, installing ventilation, a technical room (boiler, filter), sewage pipes and water supply. The structure will also be used by the State Fire Brigade Training Center. In all, 60 athletes and 70 firefighters will benefit directly from the project.


Maintaining Ukraine’s young sporting generation through the complete rehabilitation of a sports complex


Activities carried out

Recent funding