Construction of market garden wells with solar pumps

In Niger, access to water is a major concern, a problem exacerbated by global warming, which requires a rethinking of traditional well drilling. The project involves the development of an agricultural site through the installation of a solar-powered drainage system to contribute to the food security and income of producers.

Extension of the Prince Albert II College in Akamasoa

In Madagascar, since 1995, MAP has been supporting the projects of Father Pedro Pablo Opeka, who devotes his life to improving the living conditions of Malagasy children and adults, encouraging them to get involved and build their future to get out of the hell of Antananarivo’s public dumps. Several major projects have been financed by MAP, such as the construction of the Rainier III primary school in 1997, the Prince Albert II College, the Lycée Grimaldi, the Cantine du Rocher, the Princess Grace dispensary, and over 106 houses.

Center Edimar :
To live is to be called

In 2002, following a visit by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco to Yaoundé in Cameroon, MAP financed the construction of the Edimar Centre – Princess Grace House. The institution welcomes more than 160 young people in street situations every day and aims to offer them a better future and to support them in the development of their life projects.

Vocational training workshops for 400 young people

In Brazil, MAP has been supporting vocational training workshops since 2002. These training courses enable the most vulnerable young people, often in street situations or drug addicts, to envisage a future and a social reintegration. The courses thus serve as a drug prevention device.

Post-Baccalaureate Full Academic Scholarship Program

In the Agadez region, the development of gardening or market gardening is linked to the decline of the traditional activities of the nomadic populations (livestock – caravan) and today constitutes a reconversion activity for many heads of households.

Protection of the environment and enhancement of the territory

In the Agadez region, the development of gardening or market gardening is linked to the decline of the traditional activities of the nomadic populations (livestock – caravan) and today constitutes a reconversion activity for many heads of households.

Providing education for 500 students in Rigaon

In the Agadez region, the development of gardening or market gardening is linked to the decline of the traditional activities of the nomadic populations (livestock – caravan) and today constitutes a reconversion activity for many heads of households.

Development of market gardens in the Goofat and Attri valleys

In the Agadez region, the development of gardening or market gardening is linked to the decline of the traditional activities of the nomadic populations (livestock – caravan) and today constitutes a reconversion activity for many heads of households.

Contribution of medical equipment from the Ein Ebel Hospital

In the Agadez region, the development of gardening or market gardening is linked to the decline of the traditional activities of the nomadic populations (livestock – caravan) and today constitutes a reconversion activity for many heads of households.